Ultimate Tobacco Fusion

Philip Morris Compact Blue is the ultimate tobacco fusion with medium strength in a queen-size package. Unlit cigarettes offer a unique rich tobacco flavor with no overpowering scents. Each cigarette includes 5 milligrams of tar and 0.5 milligrams of nicotine. It comes in elegant packaging. The tobacco is of middling grade, with irregularly cut leaves and an acceptable light percentage. The smoke catches fire smoothly but at a higher rate than usual.

  • Ultimate Tobacco
  • Medium Strength
  • Elegant Packing
  • No Overpowering Scents

If you are a real tobacco expert, you have indeed smoked several cigarettes from various top brands, but the tobacco flavor in Philip Morris will astonish you. If you haven’t tried Philip Morris Compact Blue before, now is the time to do so to experience the authentic flavor of tobacco.


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